Duplicate Car Keys

If you own a vehicle, we recommend that you should have a duplicate set of keys. It is a good measure for certain contingencies. At Act Audio, we can duplicate your car keys with a simple machining method. If your vehicle has a remote or transponder key, we can create duplicated for them as well by programming new codes.

Your keys can become damaged or lost

There are many instances where people have lost their car keys and that becomes a big headache. Alternatively, there are times when the key is damaged. When this happens you require a duplicate key so that you can avoid the hassle and high cost of calling a locksmith. With a duplicate key stashed somewhere, you could save yourself from a lot of inconveniences. Your key was stolen

Car keys can get stolen and when this happens, it gives the thief access to your car. This could become worst if you do not have a spare key. Because if you do, you can drive your car to a safe location and have the locks changed.

You share your car

You might share your car with your spouse or family member, a spare key can provide a world of comfort. This will you can still have the original set, retain access to your car 24/7 and have access to your car when your spouse or family member is not close by.

Locked out of your car

Lockouts can happen to anyone. You can forget the keys and remote inside the car or a more dreadful situation is when your children lock themselves inside the car by accident. Having a spare key will help you avert a locksmith or a tow truck.



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